Help for neurogenic bladder

Urodynamics, neurostimulation, a bladder pacemaker and injections can help

Help for neurogenic bladder

Urodynamics, neurostimulation, a bladder pacemaker and injections can help

Startseite / Competence / Neurourology


Neurogenic incontinence and bladder disorders

Neurourology is a specialism that stands at the interface of urology, neurology and gynaecology, dealing with the investigation and treatment of disorders of bladder and sphincter muscle function as well as the treatment of involuntary urine loss (incontinence).

Neurourology focuses on women, men and children suffering from a disease of the nervous system, such as:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Dementia
  • Stroke
  • Craniocerebral injury
  • Paraplegia
  • Spina bifida
  • Diabetes
  • After pelvic surgery
  • Hyperactive bladder
  • Chronic urine retention
  • Pelvic pain. 

Many people with other bladder disorders, with or without accompanying urinary incontinence, can also benefit from targeted neurourological investigation and treatment. Neurourology is a new medical discipline that has developed rapidly in the past few years. The growth in knowledge has been enormous, and modern treatment methods are now producing impressive outcomes. Nowadays, practically all people suffering from bladder malfunction or urinary incontinence can be successfully treated. Learn more about milestones in neurourology.

Diagnosing and treating neurogenic bladder disorders and incontinence

In order to treat bladder and sphincter malfunctions successfully, the patient’s symptoms must be thoroughly investigated. This involves function tests of the urinary tract, pelvic floor and pelvic nerves, including X-ray examination, ultrasound and endoscopy.

We have many years of experience, enabling us to provide a comprehensive, individual assessment of a wide range of symptoms and disorders and then provide the treatment which is most likely to succeed.

Based on our clinical and scientific expertise, we will provide you only with treatment recommendations for which there is sufficient scientific evidence or that are listed in the guidelines of international professional bodies.

At our centre we offer the whole spectrum of conservative, minimally invasive treatment options and surgery for incontinence and bladder disorders.

Benefit from our many years of specialist experience and our internationally recognised scientific expertise in neurourology.

Find out now

Contact us to arrange an appointment so that we can advise you on your personal treatment options.

Tel.  +41 44 387 29 10

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