Help for neurogenic bladder

Urodynamics, neurostimulation, a bladder pacemaker and botox can help

Help for neurogenic bladder

Urodynamics, neurostimulation, a bladder pacemaker and botox can help

Traumatic brain injury

A blow to the head in an accident or fall can also damage the brain. The areas of the brain that govern the volitional control of the bladder and the urethral sphincter are located in the front part of the brain, known as the frontal lobe. If these nerve cells are damaged, the bladder acts in a similar way to an infant who has not yet learnt bladder control: it fills up to a certain volume and then empties itself reflexively, without the person affected being able to control it. The consequences are a more frequent, strong urge to urinate, frequent urination, and in many cases distinct urge incontinence. Young sufferers in particular, with only slight damage, frequent recover bladder control after a few weeks or months. If the condition continues to exist three months after the accident, an assessment and treatment is recommended.